Blowpack Gold Pack Silver Medal

Blowpack Multilayer PCR Drum wins Gold Pack Award 2022

The middle layer of the drum comprises post-consumer recycled High Density Polyethylene (rHDPE) which has 70% lower global warming potential than virgin HDPE.

This significantly reduces its carbon footprint and drives demand for HDPE recyclate which, in turn, increases collection and recycling rates of used HDPE containers to advance Circular Economy.

The end-result is less plastic pollution and landfilling, and more economic opportunities for South Africans.

The interior of the drum is moulded using virgin HDPE to mitigate the risk of contamination and chemical reaction, to protect the integrity of the contents and guarantee its safe containment.

Sealing the recycled plastic in the middle layer enables production of higher quality drums on a more consistent basis. This Multilayer PCR Drum is UN Certified to retain its technical functionality with up to 30% rHDPE inclusion.

The virgin outer layer with a white surface enables limitless print or label decoration.

This PCR drum with the critical technical functionality and aesthetics of a virgin drum, has earned a silver Gold Pack Award 2022.

Furthermore, these drums are manufactured in Gauteng, Cape Town and Durban to eliminate carbon emissions from unnecessary and inefficient transportation across the country.

To top it off, these drum manufacturing facilities have enough installed solar energy for electricity to reduce annual carbon emissions by 1,490 tonnes!